Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I was asked a few days ago with an attitude that I better have my speech done for my bestfriend's wedding. So I think its that I don't have the words, I think its I can't find the words to express how much my bff Maryanne means too me.  This is one gift I truly cherish.  When one of us is weak the other is strong. When Maryanne and I first became friends I was her go to person, now 10 yrs later she has become that for me.  We both think the other deserves much more in life then the other.  Even living our separate lives with our own family's and not having much time for each other, our friendship never changes.  I kinda have to laugh that one day when I thought I knew it all and had all the answers for Mare that I really never did because now I go to her for the answers. We both do share one big love in our lives and that's my daughter Ashley. When I asked Maryanne to be her god mother I never imagined how much love she give to my little girl.  With every struggle and happiness I have, the one thing I know will be there is my friend Maryanne and I think no matter where life takes us that is the one thing that will never change.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2:00 am

~things are gonna change for the better nowthings are going to change~live for today we'll dream tomorrow


Friday, October 1, 2010

wake up call

Could there be a moment in your life when you are forced to see the true meaning of it no matter how much it hurts?  Struggling to find who you really are and not what you thought you should be or what someone made you become? Then where do you even begin to find yourself again?